My youngest is heading to middle school this year and nope, I am not going to cry. (Oh, not to worry. I will. Just not yet.)
Nope, I am going to start getting organized so back to school will be a bit easier hopefully as we transition from elementary to middle school.
Yep, I will be distracting myself with projects like finding just the right free printables for the first day of school signs for my kids to proudly hold as I take their pictures on the first day of school this year, cleaning and organizing stuff for school like their closets, figuring out what school supplies they will each need, and how to organize all those school supplies. (you would think that by now, with one kid going into the seventh grade and the other in high school already that I would have this organizing school stuff well under control. Sadly, I do not.)
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These 10 back to school easy organization hacks are either DIY or really inexpensive ideas that I have come across as I search for ways to keep myself busy so I don't think about my baby starting middle school.
1. Create a Backpack Drop Off Area in Your Home.
This does not have to be fancy, but the backpack drop station has to have a designated area in the house where kids can put their backpacks when they get home from school each day. Otherwise, in our house anyway, backpacks end up on the floor, behind the couch, under the bed, or under dirty clothes in the kids' bedrooms.
2. Organize School Supplies Before The First Day of School
Instead of tossing out soup cans and other tin cans in your pantry, repurpose them into colorful holders for school supplies. Carefully remove lids from the cans, and make sure there are no sharp edges.
Clean the insides of the cans, and decorate the cans using fun colorful washi tape. These make perfect cheap cute ways to store supplies like pencils, pens, scissors, rulers, paper clips and glue sticks.
(The Crazy Coupon Lady)
3. Create an Easy Morning Routine By Eliminating Bathroom Fights
Have a caddy for each child that has everything they need in the morning to get ready for school. Like hairbrushes, ponytail holders, combs, hair gel, etc. This idea should help eliminate those crazy morning bathroom fights. (The Crazy Coupon Lady)
4. Organize School Lunch Packing
Create a handy lunch-making station in the fridge using a plastic basket. (iHeart Organizing)
5. Plan Weeknight Dinners in Advance
Keep weeknights running smoothly between homework and after school activities by planning easy weeknight family dinners in advance. Schedule time to sit down on the weekend to plan the menu for the coming week. And don't forget to write down your grocery list at the same time, so you will be completely ready for the week ahead.
6. Help Your Middle Schooler Stay Organized At Home
It is one thing to be organized for beginning the new school year, BUT it is a whole other thing trying to get kids to keep things organized for the entire school year. Especially middle school kids.
To me, the best way I have found to help my son keep his supplies, papers, even socks, and clothes organized is with an over the door organizer. Believe me, this helps keep everything from clothes to papers from being dropped on the floor or stashed under the bed.
Kids can even use the pockets to stash socks because socks magically disappear never to be seen again once kids take them off their feet, don't ya know?!
These over the door holders with pockets are my favorite cheapest organizing hacks ever. And one of the best ways to help middle schoolers stay organized at home.
7. Help Your Tweens Stay Prepared and Organized With an Easy To Use Planner
One Mom's Daily Drama has an excellent free printable Planner, To-Do Lists, and Schedule Organizer Printable that your tween can use to stay prepared and organized.
She suggests keeping a copy of your child's class schedule at home in a binder (along with other pertinent school papers and information.)
Since middle school will likely be the first time your child has to follow a class schedule, the more practice they can have ahead of the first day getting used to the new schedule, the better prepared they will feel.

8. Keep Extra Last Minute School Supplies in Your Car
It never fails that something gets forgotten or a paper needs to be signed or something needs to be glued once everyone is in the car and headed to school. Even a missing school snack can be a reason to have to turn around and head back home.
Skip those crazy hectic trips back home for forgotten school items by keeping an emergency school supplies kit in your car filled with items like pencils, pens, glue sticks, tape, paper clips, safety pins, dollar bills, and even snacks like granola bars, raisins, and chips. (Crazy Coupon Lady)
9. Make a DIY Homework Lazy Susan
This cute DIY Lazy Susan Homework Station is made out of empty paint cans (and is adorable). This is a perfect solution for keeping homework supplies organized and easy for kids to use.
Get inspired and create your own Lazy Susan homework station, or head over to HomeStoriesAtoZ to get the directions for this one.
10. Turn Cereal Boxes Into Magnetic Storage Container
Can I say I love love love this genius DIY storage container project?? Seriously, our pantry hosts several empty boxes of cereal most days as cereal goes quickly around here.
This is such a cute DIY organizing hack for school paperwork kids bring home from school. But you can, of course, use these upcycled cereal bins to store and organize just about anything you want.
And it is easy-peasy. Find out just how easy it is to make these back to school organizers - you will want to make one today!