For the Men in Our Lives: Small Changes Can Bring Big Health Benefits

Although I read this article on a men's health site, I think women will find it just as interesting and helpful!

Bill Phillips from Men's Health points out that making small changes-easy stuff, really- in our daily habits can make big differences in our health. The changes he lists are super easy to incorporate, plus he specifically points out why and how each will improve our health overall.

For instance, did you know that if you dry-brush your teeth (sounds weird, yea, but I am going to do it anyway!) before brushing with toothpaste, you will cut tartar by 60 percent??

And two to four servings of tomato sauce a week can cut your man's prostate-cancer risk by 34 percent. Not to mention making spaghetti makes the budget happy (and my ever picky eaters happy too. So this is a win-win one for me!)

We all know how important it is to drink water, but Bill explains exactly why so succinctly that it really makes sense and sticks-which for me anyway will make it easier to get myself to drink the water and say no to the soda.

The list has 14 small changes our men can and should make everyday, and a couple like I said that we women can benefit from too. So if you have a moment or two free this Monday, go on over and take a peek.

And remember, put down the soda, reach for the water and get up and move for at least 20-30 minutes today.

Happy Monday!

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