Moms Should Handle Diaper Duty While Dads Handle Playtime-- Is This Study For Real?
I have to admit when I first read about this study, where results show that happier kids came from families where moms did diaper duty and dads gave piggy back rides, I was seeing red. Just what so many dads do not need--some supposed research to back them up when asked to change a diaper or feed the baby. (Actually, though, no diapers were used in this study as it focused on families with 4 year olds.)
What does this mean, I wondered exactly? Moms should be the care-givers while dads stick to being the 'fun' parents?
Yoplait Frozen Smoothie Giveaway!
Without question, I do not eat properly everyday, nor do I get the recommended daily amount of calcium like I should be doing. Chasing after kids, doing homework (though that was over with when I grew up...silly me), being the only person in the house capable of driving the car (hubby forgets how to drive when kids are involved), and as such being taxi cab lady for practices, play dates, shopping and so on, and making half hearted attempts at cleaning, eating right just doesn't happen often. And this is particularly what made me so interested in reviewing Yoplait Frozen Smoothies!
Each package of Yoplait Frozen Smoothies contains one full serving of fruit (1/2 cup) and 110 to 120 calories per serving. Not only does Yoplait yogurt contain live and active cultures, but when prepared with skim milk and made according to package directions, Yoplait Frozen Smoothies are a good source of calcium. And who does not love a yummy delicious smoothie? Yoplait Frozen Smoothies come in four delicious flavors: New Blueberry Pomegranate, Triple Berry, Strawberry Banana, and Strawberry Mango Pineapple.
For my review, I received a VIP coupon so I could go pick out a smoothie to try. I knew right away my choice would be the Blueberry Pomegranate. (You can find these in the frozen fruit aisles, btw.) I used skim milk and blended a fantastic smoothie that was delicious and refreshing, Drinking it just made me feel healthier. What I have decided to do is make double batches so I will always have some on hand. It is an easy way to give my body what it needs, and to have a yummy pick me up during the day!
And Yoplait would like a reader of Happy Healthy Families to try their frozen smoothies as well..for free! They will provide a very cool gift package to help get you motivated to eat healthier this year. The gift package includes:
a VIP coupon to try Yoplait Frozen Smoothies,
a drawstring backpack,
a water bottle (love love the pink one I received!)
a fitness journal.
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Giveaway will end Feb. 14th at 11:59 EST.
Winner will be Notified By email and will be posted here on the blog.
Winner needs to confirm within 3 days or new winner will be drawn.
disclosure: Yoplait provided me with the product, gift pack, and information through MyBlogSpark.
The Skinny on Cheese!
Oh cheese. My Love, My Enemy. I crave cheese almost anytime of the day (or night) but am so afraid of eating any ( afraid of eating it....this fear does not however keep me from eating it) because cheese is bad for us, right?
I needed to find some support for my cheese addiction, and so I did some reading online today to see if I could find some reassurance that cheese is not all bad.
Turns out, it isn't.
Disney Hoping To Inspire Toddlers With Poems
Miranda Kerr's Breastfeeding Son Photo: How Do You Feel About It?
What? Why?
I had believed that breastfeeding in public was no longer the taboo that it once was. I would be
Rats Are So Not Pets!
There are many things that make me act like a true girly-girl, such as spiders, assorted weird bugs, and bees. I have no shame in admitting I yell, run and pretty much act like like a chicken when anything with wings, stingers and creepy hairy legs comes near me. But there is one creature that holds a power over me like no other (no, it is not the hubby). It is .... rats.
Super Bowl XLV: The Ultimate Man Date
The hubby and I will be watching the Super Bowl at home, with a couple of friends. I am planning a quiet relaxing sort of day--but depending on how the game goes, relaxation may go out the window. What are your plans for Super Bowl Sunday?
Ask any football loving fan what their dream date would be and nine times out of 10 he'll say tickets to the Super Bowl. As my father-in-law always says, "you can't put a price on a good time," so if you're considering biting the bullet and treating your significant other to the ultimate "Man Date," follow this game plan and you'll come up a winner:
Already Going Through Regis Philbin Withdrawals
I am utterly dismayed this morning. Let me rephrase as I don't think that sentence completely expresses my emotional state right now: I am completely, totally and miserably devastated.
My Regis is leaving.
If you have not heard the news yet, I will be strong and share it with you (have Kleenex in hand? You really should.)
WINNER Of Sweet Gift Card and Cookie Giveaway!
First, can I just say Thank-you to all who entered and I wish everyone could win?! I loved, absolutely loved, reading all of your favorite holiday memories. How awesome for so many of you to share-- I laughed and cried at some of them.
But alas, only one can win....and so here is the winner, chosen by this morning:
Congratulations to Kelley, who wrote:

Is Sex Selective IVF Always a Good Thing?
I just read the saddest story about an Australian couple who were so desperate to have a baby girl that they actually aborted a pregnancy in which the woman was carrying twin boys. Sadly, the couple who already have 3 boys, lost a baby daughter in infancy and are now desperate to have another daughter.
So yes, their story is a sad one and I cannot imagine the loss they went through. But still, I find it H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E to abort twin babies just because they were not the desired sex.
The couple are so determined to have a baby girl, they have asked to do sex selection via IVF in Australia, where IVF happens to be subsidized They were denied by an independent bioethics panel because in Australia, sex selection in IVF is only allowed as preventative measure for genetic diseases or abnormalities.
So now they are taking the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal to court.
This couple's obsession is out of control. Can they really be stable enough at this point to have another baby? I find this so sad and seriously breaks my heart.
What is worse is that if this couple still gets denied in Australia for the IVF, they very well may come to the U.S. where the procedure is allowed. I just do not see these people being fit to have another baby. Their obsession breaks all boundaries in my opinion.
They need help, not another child.
You can read the entire story here.
Super Bowl Countdown: Got Game Day Recipes?
This post brought to you by TABASCO® Original Red. All opinions are 100% mine.
Super Bowl countdown has begun in our house. My hubby, who 'once upon a time in a land far away' used to play high school football, cannot wait for the big game day to get here. And it is not only because he loves everything football-- he loves the yummy food that only the Super Bowl can inspire!
I am always on the lookout for new fun and of course, spicy, recipes for the big day. It has to be spicy for my hubby and our friends because somehow that just seems to make the party better. Pretty much anything I end up making gets a splash or two of TABASCO® Original Red anyway, especially when the hubby is eating it. From pizza to egg rolls, everything gets a little extra spice with this stuff because Tabasco Original Red is more than just hot-- it really brings out the flavor of food and just makes everything,even potato chips, taste better!
If you are looking for some mouth-watering ideas for your Game-Day Party Menu, especially some awesome ways to make perfect game day pizzas, check out the website and be sure to check out their Pizza Perfected page!
Calling All Parents....
This post brought to you by PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
I wanted to pass on some information about a very cool website for parents that offers everything from diapers to cribs, and much more. The site,, has great deals and offers for just about anything parents are always on the hunt for. Since having two munchkin boys can often make me think twice about going shopping with them in tow, I admit I rely heavily on shopping online. Yes, I love the ease of online shopping, the deals, and the time it saves me, but most of all I love not having to deal with two little boys whining and fighting in stores! is now carrying Bright Beginning Diapers. Plus, they are always offering awesome deals as well, such as the one I saw today- 15% off BOB Jogging Strollers. I would definitely suggest browsing the site if you are thinking of making a purchase for your little one anytime soon because chances are you if you buy on you will save money (and a bit of your sanity!)
Take a peek--I bet you will love what you see on the site. Also, you can check out Bright Beginnings on Facebook to keep up to date with new offers.
Volkswagon Vintage Ad...Really??
I don't know if I should laugh or go punch the hubby just because he is a man! Look at this long forgotten vintage ad from Volkswagon....omg....they actually published this stuff??
This is what the small print says......
"Women are soft and gentle, but they hit things. If your wife hits something in a Volkswagen, it doesn't hurt you very much. VW parts are easy to replace. And cheap. A fender comes off without dismantling half the car. A new one goes on with just ten bolds. For $24.95, plus labor. And a VW dealer always had the kind of fender you need. Because that's the one kind her has. Most other VW parts are interchangeable, too. Inside and out. Which means your wife isn't limited to fender smashing. She can jab the hood. Graze the door. Or bump off the bumper. It may make you furious, but it won't make you poor. So when your wife goes window-shopping in a Volkswagen, don't worry. You can conveniently replace anything she uses to stop the car. Even the brakes."
Nice, Volkswagon...very nice.
Baby Formulas Recalled
This post brought to you by PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
Since my munchkin boys are way past the age of bottles and formulas (sigh,) I completely missed the news not too long ago about Similac formula being recalled. Yikes-- how un-nerving to find out about it now though! In case you missed this news as well, it seems that in Sept. 2010, manufacturer of Similac infant formula, Abbott, voluntarily recalled certain Similac-brand powder infant formulas in the US, Puerto Rico, Guam and some countries in the Caribbean. A quality review detected the possibility of a bugs (small common beetles) in the infant formula produced at one of Abbott's manufacturing facilities.
The FDA stresses that there is no immediate health risk but infants could consume the beetles or larvae which could cause gastrointestinal problems. No liquid formulas were involved in this recall, only certain of their powder based products.
While I mainly breast-fed my kids when they were babies, I did occasionally supplement with a bottle of formula, and because I would be so nervous, I always insisted to my hubby that we buy the name-brand formula (and usually a very expensive one too.) I just had that mental notion that more expensive automatically meant better and safer.
Unfortunately, I did not know back then that all formula marketed in the U.S. must meet the same nutrient specifications,that were set by the FDA in 1980. While reading about the recent Similac recall, I also learned that The new 10th Edition of the Consumer Reports Best Baby Products has written that they see no need for parents to choose expensive national brand infant formulas over their much more reasonable store brand counterparts sold at retailers like Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, CVS, Kroger, Walgreens, and Babies R Us.
Considering that store brand formula, unlike their name brand counterparts, are not heavily marketed or advertised and are not given away to hospitals for free, it is easier to understand why these formulas will cost less at markets. I have read that as much as $600 can be saved by new parents annually according to some estimates.
To find out more about the Similac recall and if any products you may have in your home are affected, you can call (888) 376-2054. The return process will be explained.
Boudreaux's Butt Paste: Get Your Free Sample!
Boudreaux's Butt Paste has to have one of the cutest packaging for diaper cremes I have ever seen. Seriously, I love those jars with the yellow labels! Perhaps it is the name that really gets me, but I smile just seeing those jars.
Formulated by a pharmacist with direction from a respected pediatrician, this diaper rash creme is different than the other common ones I used to use when my little ones were in diapers. First, the paste goes on easily and gently, and comes off just as easily. No stickiness or residue left on baby's bottom, kwim? I think that is so important, because when a baby has a rash, we all know how hard it can be on them and on us to clean those little tushies! And for a diaper rash creme, It actually smells pretty darn good!
But the bottom line (excuse the pun...I couldn't help myself. sorry.) here is not the cute factor, but how well this creme really works on diaper rash. It contains 16% Zinc Oxide with Peruvian Balsam so it helps soothe irritated skin as well as effectively treating the diaper rash.
If you have walked past the cute jar with the yellow label but never actually tried it --now you can for free! Just visit the Boudreaux's Butt Paste website to get your free sample now!
Take Your Iron, Just Not With Coffee!
Actually, do not take an iron supplement or eat an iron-rich food within two hours of drinking coffee or tea. The reason is that polyphenols in coffee, black tea and green tea bind to iron, which keeps your body from absorbing it. Even decaf coffee and tea will keep the iron from being absorbed.
So if you are taking an iron supplement, and still feeling tired, it could be that you are drinking coffee or tea too soon after or before taking your iron.
If the wait seems too long for you, studies show that taking a 10mg. lycopene supplement with your tea or coffee will keep the polyphenols from binding to the iron, so your body can still absorb it.
But as always, please check with your own doctor before changing or taking any vitamins!
OWN: Will You Be Watching Oprah's New Network?
I just watched a seek peek of "Your OWN Show: Oprah’s Search for the Next TV Star" courtesy of She Speaks. And of course, I got hooked, LOL. I really didn't expect to get as interested as I did, but there is something about watching a group of strangers compete for their very own talk show courtesy of Oprah! The show is hosted by by Nancy O’Dell (“Access Hollywood”) and Carson Kressley (“Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”), with appearances by special guests each week who will help with judging duties. This week's guest--Dr. Phil.
The premise of the show is somewhat like The Apprentice but without Oprah issuing the final 'You're Fired! Plus, I think the prize here is a tad bit better (your own show vs. being a temp. employee = better!) There are 10 finalists competing, having successfully beaten out thousands of applicants. The first step was dividing the finalists into two teams: Team Vision and Team Focus. Next, the teams were given their first task: producing a talk show segment featuring guest Dr. Phil (can I just say that sheesh, that man can be seriously intimidating?!)
Team Vision is all women; Team Focus is 4 men and 1 woman. Should I spoil a bit and let you know which team did better-- a lot better-- and won safety the first week? Let's just say that women really can be their own worst enemy. Enough said. Oh, one more thing. Dr. Phil was not pleased with the losing team at all. Come on ladies....step it up!
Just as the fighting amongst the members of the losing team started getting really
Love it. Another show to obsess over and get invested in.