Making New Year's Resolutions (or not)

Ah.....New Year's Eve. Always a bittersweet day to me. I get all emotional and sad as I realize another year is ending, my kids will be getting older again soon as birthdays come up in the New Year, I get teary-eyed at memories of this year that is ending....and you know how it goes....

But I also get kind of energetic and giddy in a way that usually only happens at the beginning of a New Year-- that sort of "this year I will..... (fill in with whatever goals, dreams, etc., that come to mind) for sure!" Heh. But as excited and hopeful as I may feel Jan. 1st about a new start so to speak, it really only takes a short while before those feelings dissipate. So while it does feel good in a way to set goals and plans, I never like to get too specific because life has a way of getting in the way of very specific resolutions I may make.

Perhaps I am pessimistic or even superstitious, but I kind of feel that if I seriously say I will achieve a certain goal by Feb. 1st, life will find a way to make sure that does not happen. Better for me to say in general, I will focus on eating healthier this year and watching my weight by making better choices than for me to set a goal that I will lose 10 pounds by Feb. 1st. See what I mean?

I do envy those that toss any inhibitions aside though, and with pen firmly in hand write down a list of New Year's resolutions that they will passionately attempt to keep. I am even more jealous of those that do keep their resolutions!

But it is a New Year, which does call for fresh optimism and new challenges. And I am excited. I do not have specific resolutions ...yet anyway....but I do have hopes and ambitions for the coming year and general thoughts on what I would like to achieve. I probably won't be writing anything. down, but I will keep them in my heart and head instead.

But mostly, for this new year we will be entering in a few hours, I will hope for my children to be safe, happy and healthy. And I will be sad at another year ending, but will be so thankful that my family is starting a new one together.

May 2010 bring you and your loved ones peace, happiness, and health.

Happy New Year!!

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