This is just a wonderful and truly awesome way to share the spirit of love and joy this holiday season! LeapFish has joined forces with the Make-a-Wish Foundation to adopt an ill child’s dream and help make that dream come true. Tweet-a-Cause, a social media fundraising initiative, will give Twitter users the power to grant an ill child’s dream to go to Disneyland, one Tweet at a time. LeapFish will donate 5 cents per Tweet to the Make-A-Wish Foundation until $10,000 has been raised and the child and his family can go to Disneyland.
Meet Jacob! Jacob, age 4, has a rare and life-threatening disease that has affected him since birth. He has one big wish in life –- to go to Disneyland with his family. LeapFish and the Make-a-Wish Foundation have joined forces to help him achieve his wish through Twitter. With just a simple tweet, we can all the Greater Bay Area Make- A -Wish Foundation raise $10,000 to send Jacob and his family to Disneyland for a week!
All you have to do is go to tweet-a-cause,and click on the "Tweet Now" button. That's it. Your tweet will be sent and matched with a $.05 cent donation from LeapFish! And there is a "Progress Meter" on the tweet-a-cause page that you can check to see how close we are getting to the goal of $10,000 and sending Jacob to Disneyland!
The campaign will run from November 16 through November 27, 2009. LeapFish will match each Tweet with 5 cents to a target of $10,000 which will get Jacob and his family to Disneyland.
Let's all help Jacob get his wish.