This week's Small Talk Six at MomDot is so cool because it's an easy one...yea!
Today’s topic is “6 things you think would be great about being a rockstar (or just famous in general).” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
Limit this to six? Uh..I could go on and on why this would be so awesome!!
1. I could financially help everyone in my family, DH's family, and our friends!
2. I could travel the world with my family, kids included of course.
3. We could take limos everywhere!!
4. I could have a dietitian, personal trainer, and the best make-up artists/hair stylists ever!
5. This would of course mean I had talent (which I have none of in real life,sigh.) I could sing and touch people's souls (ok...getting corny, I know!)
6. No stressing over bills, mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, car payments, etc...)
Can I add one more, PLEASE??? I could get used to seeing awesomely cute men screaming at me. Really. I could handle it. Sigh.
OK. So now I'm going to go stand in front of a mirror and practice my new job. Happy Saturday! Keep sharing the linky love...leave your direct link and visit more participants at Momdot! And if you have a giveaway, visit the Mr. Linky Saturday Giveaway List!