I have always had pets. When I was little I had a siamese cat named Whiskey (do not remember how that name came about..really!), and Whiskey grew up with me and even left home with me when I did.
When I got married, we became a "doggy" family, and have had dogs in our family ever since. Right now we are up to six dogs...six furry hair shedding dogs! And we love them all. Each dog has it's own unique personality...just like our kids. Our oldest dog, Thelma, has always had a penchant for "babies"..... she always wants to have a stuffed animanl toy in her mouth or in-between her paws. My husband and I kid that Thelma is so attached to "babies" because she never had any of her own, while her sister, Louise (yes..that would be 'Thelma and Louise", hehe), has had several litters in her heyday. Thelma is the sweetest dog though, and her love of babies definitely touches my heart. All you need do is ask her, "Thelma, where is your baby?", and she will happily run off to grab one of her precious toys and bring it back to you for your admiration. She will not want you to hold or take the baby from her mouth though. Thelma is one of those over-protective mother types--she has a firm "look, admire, but no touching" policy when it comes to her babies.
I fell in love with a most wonderful book I was asked to review--and I could not wait to share it here on my blog. Dirty Bow Wow , a tribute to dogs and the objects of their affection, By Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz, will melt the heart of any animal lover. Each page has a gorgeous picture of a dog with it's very special toy, and a paragraph or two about the dog. There are such cute photos... it is a just fantastic.

Dirty Bow Wow comes with a huge cause: helping homeless dogs in shelters.
We all know how sad it is to see dogs in shelters.... my daughter and I would take home every one if we could. But thanks to the The Dirty Bow Wow Toy Drive , we can all help a sweet dog sitting in a shelter somewhere get a special "baby" or toy of their very own to love. All you need to do is stop by a participating book store and drop off a new dog toy of your choosing. We can all do this...I know we can. All bloggers out there....please consider doing this. The Dirty Bow Wow Toy Drive is going on throughout the month of May...so there is plenty of time left to participate!
Win a copy of Dirty Bow Wow! It is a beautiful hardback book, and you will fall in love with the dogs featured in it.
To enter, tell me about your dog and his or her "object of affection," and if you love dogs but do not have one, leave me a comment telling me what kind of dog you would love to adopt from a shelter!
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Please Note** Contest open to US Addresses only. Please leave a valid email address in your comments.
Contest will end May 22 @ 11:59 EST\
Winner will be randomly drawn, notified on here and by email. Winner will have three days to reply or I will have to draw a new winner.
Thanks to Family Review Network and Ten Speed Press for this review.
Good Luck!