Aw--can you see me blushing?? Honest I am. I am so honored to have received this dubious "Lemonade Stand" award from fun loving Noah's Mommy from Project Mommyhood!
I am happy to pass this award on to some very deserving bloggers that I love following and reading every day. They share so much with all of us--they truly deserve to be awarded!
Here they are:
I am Harriet
Kiss My Cheek
mommying on the fly
and here are the rules for passing on this sweet award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post
2. nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude or gratitude!!!
3. be sure to link your nominees with your post.
4. let them know they received the award by leaving a comment on their most recent post on their blog.
5. share the love and link this post to the person that gave you the award!