Happy Healthy Families has an award this wonderful crisp Friday!! Piera from Jolly Mom (I smile everytime at that name) has awarded me this very cool Rock Star Award. Me...a rock star....aw...wait till my daughter hears this one!
Along with this awesome distinction, I am now to share 8 amazing facts about about me. Hmm....I will really have to ponder this, LOL.
So, off we go ....
1. I am a night owl. I love to stay up after everyone else is asleep and watch tv, read or work on my laptop. The peace and quiet is awesome...worthy of losing some sleep over in my opinion.
2. I am a chocoholic. And no, I am not seeking help for my condition.
3. My favorite place to go is the library. Seriously. I love it there. Goofy, but true.
4. I used to teach elementary school before I became a stay at home mom.
5. I was a real estate agent before I started teaching.
6. I get bored easily...can you tell?
7. My favorite show lately was Project Runway (Hope it comes back!)
8. Salmon is far and away my favorite meal for dinner (hmm..with a glass of wine..I'm in heaven!)
Now that I have passed on these tantilizing facts about myself, I must choose 8 wonderful bloggy friends to give the rock star and tag award to. Not an easy task mind you, because there are so many great choices out there.
But here are my 8--truly cool bloggers I enjoy visiting everyday!!
1. Thrifty Momma Ramblings
2. Mrs. Frugal McDougal
3. Mom Knows Everything
4. The work from home mother
5. Mama and Hustler
6. It's Just My Thoughts
7. Hippos Toes
8. Mommay's Mayhem