Sitting in our backyard can be quite the cool experience. That is because we have a couple of huge trees in our backyard which seem to intrigue squirrels. Behind the yard is some land that is pretty much wilderness still and that seems to be a draw for birds of all types as well. So relaxing back there while listening to chattering squirrels and chirping birds is pretty awesome. And to watch the faces of our dogs as they get scolded by some nagging squirrels is really funny.
The kids love to watch the different birds that check out our backyard on their way to who knows where. There have been some very unique birds stop by, making me think I should take up birding as a hobby. If only I had time for a hobby. Anyway, the kids have made the makeshift milk carton bird feeders a few times, but the squirrels usually make quick work of them., leaving nothing for the birds. So I'm thinking we really should be more hospitable to our winged friends, and put up a squirrel-proof bird feeder like the one pictured here. Hmmm...maybe the squirrels deserve their own feeder. After all, I wouldn't want them to feel offended.