Anyhoo--back to last night....we still don't know for sure if that was our friend, but it sure got the hubby excited and remembering his days of playing an extra. I have often though how fun it would be to get up and head to the studios to play an extra in movies and television shows. Imagine, making $100-$300 a day mingling with Hollywood actors. Now that would be awesome. But with being a mommy to three kids, I think I will have to wait a while to start my "acting" career.
But I know there are companies ready to help me become the "extra of my dreams" when I am ready, like Talent6. Just by calling them at 800-493-9047 I can speak to a portfolio manager and get started on my new career as an Extra in movies and television shows. Just think, not just a mommy and a wife anymore, but a well-known and highly sought after actor (ok, sort of actor, harrumph). You too can join me in this adventure--just check out and see what they can do for you.