My almost two year old (*sniff*)has been doing battle with my window blinds lately, and he is winning. My bedroom blinds have taken the hardest hit because we have a big window that overlooks the street below us and our garage. My little guy loves to look out that window and watch people with dogs walking by, garbage trucks, and most especially watching for daddy coming home. The blinds are now bent, twisted and pretty sad in appearance overall. I am hesitant to have them replaced just yet because I fear the new blinds will meet the same fate, lol. I figure I will wait a little longer until my little one is a bit older and less destructive (do boys get less destructive?)
I cannot wait though to get my custom blinds blinds ordered at No Brainer Blinds (gotta love that name!) and actually bring some semblance of order into our home. We'll get a lifetime warranty with their blinds, which is a very very good thing with two little boys around.