If you are anything like me, you will probably agree that it is hard to lose weight. So this news should make you happy. There are some simple exercises that can burn calories fast. Seriously, all it takes is 20 minutes to burn 200 calories. And yep, most of these exercises can be done at home.

Summer is almost here. Not my favorite season. There, I said it. More than any other time of the year, summer means I need to try and lose a little weight, and maybe while I am at it, firm up muscles that seem to resist firming up at all.
But, I have good news. There are actually some pretty easy exercises you can do at home that will burn calories fast.
Check out this easy guide that shows you how long it takes to burn 200 calories doing different activities. It also tells you how long you would need to do a particular activity to reach that 200 calorie mark.
Exercises That Burn 200 Calories in Minutes
Skipping (jump rope style)......15 Minutes
Pilates (beginner)..... 50 Minutes
Walking (4 mph) ........ 34 Minutes
Boxing (punching bag).... 28 Minutes
Hiking.................. 28 Minutes
Jogging .................. 25 Minutes
Swimming (vigorous)...... 18 Minutes
Step Aerobics ........... 17 Minutes
Rock Climbing ............ 17 Minutes
Stationary Bike ........ 16 Minutes
Elliptical Trainer..............15 Minutes (using arms and legs)
Basketball...................... 34 Minutes
Gardening (raking,).............35 Minutes
And let us not forget about "bedroom" exercising.
About 45 minutes of, ahem, 'bedroom exercise' should burn off about 200 calories!