Too much Friday night partying, or maybe an office party gone a little wild? Maybe it was just a little too much wine with your significant other last night?
But however you got your hang-over, here are some tips to try and help alleviate the symptoms naturally.
Drink a cup of soothing peppermint tea. This should help with an upset stomach.
Or try drinking a large glass of fresh, unsweetened orange/grapefruit juice and take a good multivitamin supplement.
Depending on how you feel, if you can eat a simple breakfast of yogurt or oatmeal with honey and a sprinkling of wheatgerm, followed by a slice of dry rye toast.
Try some soothing aromatherapy:
* An aromatherapy bath with two drops each of lavender and juniper and one drop of rosemary essential oil will help melt away those hangover blues.
* Mix one drop of fennel and one drop of juniper essential oil into 500ml warm water. Dip cotton wool pads into the solution and dab your forehead, temples and liver area.
If you are prone to overindulgence or if your social calendar consists of endless parties and restaurant meals, then you have to give your liver a break every now and again.
Rich or stodgy foods and alcohol can clog your lymphatic system, which will hamper the effective release of toxins from your body. The resulting build-up will put strain on your liver, kidneys, your digestive and immune systems.
Help take the load off your lymph and flush out toxins in your system with this simple detoxifying drink:
* 3-4 tablespoons of pure cold-pressed olive/almond oil
* 6-8 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
* 3-6 garlic cloves
* Freshly grated ginger to taste
Pop all the above ingredients into a blender until frothy and drink it immediately.
Note: People with a history of gallstones should seek medical advice before drinking the drink and pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take it.
These tips come from a great article in Health 24