Could it be that some foods will increase our appetitie for sex? Hmm...interesting thought. According to some researchers, it is true that certain foods can affect our libido! And not only will some foods get you in the mood for love, but also may even make you a better flirt and lover. Wow! Guess it might be time to check out the pantry, and maybe do a little grocery shopping, lol!
"Different foods have different nutrients and substances that affect the body physiologically in different ways, that's why different foods work for different stages," says clinical sexologist Ava Cadell, PhD. "Some foods lower inhibitions, some get the blood flowing directly to the genitalia, and some foods release happy hormones."
So if you want to become a better flirt, there are certain foods that are supposed to help, such as
* Chili peppers. Spicy foods get the heart pumping and induce sweating.
* Bananas. They contain chemicals that reportedly have a mood-lifting effect on the brain and raises self-confidence.
* Carrots. Their phallic(!) appearance and high-fiber content may induce sexual desire. (hmmm...I have had many carrots in my day....can't really say that those orange veggies have made me feel sexy though, lol!)
Pass the flirting stage...want to do some serious seducing? Cadell says it's important to create a visual stimulation with foods that look like the genitalia, such as oysters, fresh figs, or carrots.
"Anything that is visually erotic is automatically going to set your brain in motion," says Cadell. "Second, certain foods release hormones, like testosterone in women that makes them more sexually aggressive and adventurous."
Other foods for seduction include:
* Shrimp. High in iodine, shrimp and other types of seafood are vital to the thyroid gland, which is vital for energy.
* Chocolate. Not only does chocolate provide a jolt of caffeine, the plant has a flower that looks like sex organs.
* Ginger. This root reportedly increases blood flow to the genitals in both men and women.
* Olives. Green ones are believed to make men more virile, while black ones increase women's sex drive.
* Tomatoes. Known as "love apples" by Puritans, they have a reputation as a sexual stimulant.
* Apples. Since Adam and Eve, this fruit has been synonymous with temptation.
Ready for some sexual performance enhancing foods? Apparently, this is the point in time when aroma is actually very important. Some research shows that scent alone of some aphrodisiacs may be enough to increase sexual arousal and enhance performance.
One study showed that apparentlycheese pizza increased penile blood flow by 5%, buttered popcorn by 9%, and lavender and pumpkin pie by 40%. In comparison, floral perfume only prompted a 3% increase in blood flow to the penis among men. Among women, the smell of men's cologne actually lowered blood flow to the vagina. The study also found that the scent of lavender and pumpkin pie was a powerful sexual stimulant for women, but the combination of Good and Plenty (licorice-flavored candy) and cucumber was the most potent sexual scent in increasing blood flow to the vaginal area.
No big suprise here...most aromas will increase a man's sexual desire ( no kidding--what doesn't??), but women will find their desire goes down with certain smells, such as barbeque aromas.
Trying different aphrodisiacs to see what adds the right spice to your sex life seems to be the key here. What turns one person on may not work for another.
And, according to Caldwell, "There has always been a correlation between food and sex because they are two of greatest pleasures known to mankind, and both appetites need to be fulfilled."